Program Overview

Your baby is growing up—what an exciting time! At Shiloh Gardens Academy, our childhood development program for toddlers is carefully designed to encourage each child’s growing need for independence and an emerging sense of self, while nurturing intellectual growth, exploration, and socialization in a safe, supportive environment. By the age of 2, your toddler is talking, walking, climbing, jumping, running and bursting with energy. Your child now has a growing vocabulary and acquires new words on a regular basis. They can sort shapes and colors. They may show an interest in potty training. As they grow more independent, toddlers may show signs of defiance as they begin to push boundaries and explore their world. With so many physical, cognitive, and social milestones to achieve in such a short period of time, our preschool curriculum for two-year-olds encourages children to learn through exploration. Our teachers create a supportive, loving environment that fosters autonomy and self-confidence in these newly-independent and increasingly-social students. While toddlers may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones your toddler may reach in this age group

Worker Bees

We monitor the emotional and mental growth of your child by focusing on milestones included but not limited to the list below


  • Walks forward and backward
  • Rolls a large ball back-and-forth
  • Stoops and squats
  • Turns pages of books
  • Uses two- to three-word sentences
  • Points to some body parts
  • Sings and dances
  • May be interested in using the toilet
  • Scribbles
  • Move objects from one hand to the other.
  • Babbles (lots of different, playful sounds) using at least four different sounds
  • Tries to imitate sounds or facial movements (lip circle, sticking out tongue, etc.)
  • Repeats a syllable or sequence of sounds often
  • Show happiness to see parents or toys. 
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